Who we are

Our website address is: https://www.swarozgar.com.

A visitor of swarozgar.com is bound by terms and condition which authorize us to collect visitor information but we assure you that the purpose of the information collected is to provide you better services , better content as well as to improve the website performance.

Use of Cookies

Website cookies and persistent cookies are being used in swarozgar.com for analytics purpose to know visitor’s preferences, visitors choices so that better and more content can be provided to visitors where no personal data is collected.

Third party application and Cookies

We are also using third party applications and services for further information about our websites performance on various parameters , pages visited by our visitors, information seen by visitors , IP address and related information through which the user accessed our website. We use data analytics tools and technologies of the third party like Google Analytics and DoubleClick Cookies to obtain your non-personal information. This information and similar is used to improve customer interface on our website and we promise that whatever information is collected by us is never shared to anyone outside quoteshwar.com.

Advertisers Cookies

You may also find some advertisements appearing on swarozgar.com and this privacy policy does not cover use of cookies by any advertiser. Your interaction with the advertisement and subsequent things are as per the privacy policy of the advertisers where they may collect your information to better serve you ads further.

We protect user data as we have implemented verity of security feature with our site. Our site is safe & secure to access as it’s under SSL and running on https layer.

European resident, we respect GDRP and have cleared all the policy here, nevertheless you want any clarification please write us mail on swarozgarideas@gmail.com

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